Preptober freebie: More word count tracking stickers

Last year, I shared some stickers I’d made for myself for NaNoWriMo. I don’t think I’ll be able to participate this year, due to where I am in the drafting process for Paragon of Light. I guess I could just write until the end, but I don’t think I’ll be doing 50k in November, one way or another.

All the same, I enjoy having milestone stickers to put on my calendar. Last year, I shared a set of free printable stickers for tracking your NaNoWriMo word counts that go up to 50k. But my own books almost always run longer than 50k, so I decided to make stickers in 5k increments up to the top of what I typically write.

So, now, you can print your own stickers to keep marking milestones all the way up to 125k words!

Aren’t they fun? They’re made with the same sort of glitter background as the first set, so they can be used together to get your longer projects done.

Click here to download a printable PDF to make your own stickers.

I’m making a few different kinds of stickers and such to use for trackers this month, so I’ll be sharing some more soon… and then I guess I’ll compile a list of them for easy downloading in time for NaNo.

Happy writing!

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