Preptober freebie: Printable NaNoWriMo 2023 calendar

So you’ve got plenty of stickers for your calendar tomorrow, but what about a calendar? That’s the one thing I hadn’t made yet… a calendar page for my planner that would make it easy to track my NaNoWriMo progress. I like simple ones that can be customized with washi tape and lots of color, and a lot of the designs I saw were pretty busy. So, I made my own!

Each day is dated for 2023 and is ready for me to write down how close I got to the 1,667 word goal, but there’s a spot at the end of each week to write down overall progress for that week, too, so I can see how close I am to being on track. I find this method less stressful than seeing the big numbers of the overall goal on each individual day, so I can focus more on one day at a time.

Click here to download the printable PDF.

I use 5.5 x 8.5 inch paper in my planner these days, which is half a sheet of regular printer paper here in the US. If you print it on a full sized piece of paper, you can cut it in half down the middle and it’ll work fine in an A5 planner. Otherwise, I guess you could print it on a full sized piece of paper and have a great big calendar in a 3-ring binder!

If you missed my other printable freebies, you can check out this page here to see everything I’ve shared, both this year and last. This calendar works well with the milestone stickers, both the glittery color versions and the black ink splat versions. It also pairs well with last year’s word count tracker that breaks down your 50k into 100-word cubes to fill in with a highlighter or pen. I hope you’re ready to write now–I know I am.

Happy Halloween, and good luck in November!

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