A trend I just can’t follow

Before I say anything, let me state that I’m not criticizing this particular style of writing. I’ve read a few books in it that I’ve liked perfectly well, but overall, there’s one thing about myself I’ve really noticed lately:  I do not like reading books that are written in first-person… Read the rest...


I don’t like bugs very much. For the most part, bugs and I have a mutual understanding. If they leave me alone, and stay out of my house, I’ll leave them alone. There’s a few exceptions, of course, such as unspoken rule that they’re not allowed to eat the flowers,… Read the rest...

Q&A, volume 1

Since I started doing this whole writing thing seriously, I’ve had a lot of people ask questions about it. Mostly they’re spur-of-the-moment type conversations that might come up while I’m out running errands or while I’m at work. Sometimes they come to me over instant messenger or pop up in… Read the rest...

Websites and things

I like websites. I always have.My older brother is a very skilled web designer. Even his MySpace profile was gorgeous! I’ve always been pretty envious of his skill, but I like making websites, even if they don’t look as good as his. All in all, I think my biggest problem… Read the rest...


Whether you were directed to our world by chance or by choice, we welcome you to Ithilear with open arms. Ithilear.com is the homepage of budding author Beth Alvarez, whose first complete work, Death of the Sun, is currently available on both Amazon.com and Barnes and Noble. Specializing in fantasy… Read the rest...